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Change Scene

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 99 views Contributors

To create a Unity script that transitions from one scene to another when a player collides with a specific game object, you’ll need to set up the following:

  1. Two scenes in your Unity project.
  2. A game object that will trigger the scene transition.
  3. A Collider component attached to the game object that triggers the transition, set as a trigger.
  4. The Unity Scene Management package to handle scene loading.

Here is a step-by-step guide to set this up, followed by the script:

Setup in Unity

  1. Create Scenes: Ensure you have at least two scenes in your Unity project. Let’s call them Scene1 and Scene2. You can create new scenes by going to File > New Scene and save them respectively.
  2. Setup the Game Object to Trigger Scene Transition:
    • Add a game object to Scene1 that will act as the trigger. This could be a door, a portal, etc.
    • Add a Collider component to this object (like a BoxCollider or SphereCollider) and make sure to check the Is Trigger property on the Collider.
  3. Load Scene Management:
    • Go to the Unity Editor, open the menu Edit > Project Settings > Player, and make sure that both scenes are included in the Scenes In Build list under the Build Settings.

Now, write a C# script that performs the scene transition:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class SceneTransition : MonoBehaviour
    public string targetSceneName = "Scene2"; // Name of the scene to load

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        // Check if the collider belongs to the player
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))

    void LoadNextScene()
        // Load the target scene

Attach the Script and Test

  1. Attach the Script:
    • Attach the script to the same game object with the trigger collider.
    • In the inspector, set the Target Scene Name to the name of the scene you want to load (e.g., “Scene2”).
  2. Tag the Player:
    • Ensure that your player game object has the tag “Player”. You can set this by selecting the player object, going to the Inspector, and from the Tag dropdown, selecting “Player”.
  3. Testing:
    • Enter Play mode in Unity and test by moving the player to collide with the trigger object. The scene should transition to Scene2 when they collide.

This script and setup should work perfectly for a basic scene transition on collision in Unity. Make sure that your scenes are properly set up and referenced, and that the player object correctly interacts with triggers.

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