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Clipboard-Copy App: Starter

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 186 views Contributors
// This code is a C# console app that uses SQLite to store and retrieve clipboard items
// SQLite is a lightweight database system that stores data in a file
// To use SQLite, you need to install the Microsoft.Data.Sqlite NuGet package
// You can learn more about SQLite and C# from [this video] or [this article]

using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite; // This namespace contains classes for working with SQLite
using System; // This namespace contains basic classes like strings, arrays, etc.
using System.Windows; // This namespace contains classes for creating Windows applications
using System.Windows.Threading; // This namespace contains classes for creating timers and events

namespace YourApp // This is the name of your project
    public partial class MainWindow : Window // This is the main window of your app
        // Declare your variables here
        // For example: private string _connectionString = "Your connection string here";

        public MainWindow()

            // Initialize your timer here

            // Open a connection to your database and create your table here

            // Load your data here

        // This function is called every time the timer ticks (every second in this case)
        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check if the clipboard contains text

            // If it does, save it and add it to your database and listbox

            // Update your label here

        // This function loads data from your database and adds it to your listbox
        private void LoadData()
            // Open a connection to your database

            // Execute a command to get all text from your table

            // Read the result and add each item to your listbox

        // This function is called when the window is closing
        private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
           // Add code here if you want to do something when the window is closing

        // This function is called when the CloseApp button is clicked
        private void CloseApp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
           // Add code here to close the app when the button is clicked

        // This function is called when the CleanDatabase button is clicked
        private void CleanDatabase_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Add code here to clear all items from your listbox and database
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Clipboard-Copy App: Starter

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