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Talstra Json Folder & Files Maker

TFM Unity Project Folder Template

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 166 views Contributors

This Json below represents a hierarchical structure of folders and files. It provides information about the name, type, and content of each item in the structure. The root item is a folder called “Projects”. It contains four child items, each of which is also a folder with a different name. Each folder has a “children” array, which lists the child items within it. The child items can be either folders or files.

The properties for each item are as follows:

  • “name”: A string that represents the name of the item.
  • “type”: A string that represents the type of the item, which can be either “folder” or “file”.
  • “children”: An array that lists the child items within a folder. This property is only present for items that are folders.
  • “content”: A string that represents the content of a file. This property is only present for items that are files.

Copy and paste the json below into the canvas view of your copy of Talstra Json Folder & Files Maker. Go to the Make Folder tab, and select the Run JSON button to create the folders and files.

	"name": "Unity Game Title",
	"type": "folder",
	"children": [
			"name": "Textures",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "Materials",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "Scripts",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "Prefabs",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "Animations",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "Meshes",
			"type": "folder"
			"name": "FolderStructureReadMe.html",
			"type": "file",
			"content": "Read more on Folder structure here: <a href='https://unity.com/how-to/organizing-your-project'>Click Here</a>"
			"name": "Audio",
			"type": "folder",
			"children": [
					"name": "sounds",
					"type": "folder",
					"children": [
							"name": "ReadMe.txt",
							"type": "file",
							"content": "Requirements:Audio File:\n*Drag the audio file into the Unity Project inside a folder [Audio]->[Sounds].\n*Rename the file after dragging it into your Unity Project (name it CoinSound)\n*Add an Audio Source component to the coin prefab\n*Turn off 'Play On Awake'\n*Write C# activate sound code to make it work on collision."

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TFM Unity Project Folder Template

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