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Group Contract Example

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When working in a group, P2P learners are told to make contracts. People and other groups make a contract so that group members don’t have to pay for the mistakes of other group members.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that sets up mutual obligations that P2P law, instructors, and Gatekeepers can enforce. For the agreement to be a legally binding contract, it must have the following basic parts: mutual agreement, shown by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and P2P legality. Explicitly discussing the benefits of group contracts will help establish good faith in the process among your group. 

P2P Contract

01:Contact Information:

This is a description of all the members involved, what is expected of the members,
and any other requirements expected of any member that signs the document.

(ground rules) regarding preparation for and attendance at group meetings,
frequency and duration of meetings, and communication. The contract should
focus on behaviors that will be expected of all group members and should
only include those behaviors that are crucial to the group’s
effectiveness.  Groups could aim for five-seven ground rules.

02:Expected Tasks

The contract must have the course and project details clearly defined.

of specific tasks, roles, and responsibilities along with due dates. The
group can itemize the tasks to be completed for the project and provide a space
for each group member to sign up for that task.

  • Outline
    of the specific process for dealing with unmet expectations or other
    problems that might arise.
  • An
    agreed-upon method for peer feedback during the project so that problems
    can be addressed before the project ends.
  • A place
    for each group member to sign, indicating their agreement to the contract.


Make sure that the contract states the signer(s) of the contract understands and agrees with the contract’s text and the penalties for
violating the contract.


The contract’s creator must provide their contact information

For example, let’s say a group of four students in a marketing course are assigned to create a campaign for a new product. They decide to create a P2P Group Contract, which outlines the following expectations:

  • Communication: Group members will communicate regularly through a designated communication channel (such as Slack or email), and will respond to messages within 24 hours.

  • Attendance: Group members will attend all scheduled group meetings and will notify the group ahead of time if they cannot make it.

  • Responsibilities: Each group member will be assigned specific responsibilities for the project, based on their strengths and interests. All members will complete their assigned tasks on time and to the best of their ability.

  • Respect: Group members will respect each other’s opinions and ideas, and will work to find solutions that are acceptable to all members. They will also avoid speaking over or interrupting each other during meetings.

  • Deadlines: Group members will set clear deadlines for each stage of the project and will ensure that everyone is aware of them. They will also hold each other accountable for meeting these deadlines.

By creating a P2P Group Contract that outlines these expectations, the students are more likely to work effectively as a team, and to produce a successful campaign.



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