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Understanding Your First Python Script in PyCharm

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Understanding Your First Python Script in PyCharm

If you’re new to Python and using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like PyCharm, you might find the comments and commands a bit confusing at first. Here’s a breakdown of a simple Python script to help you understand what each part does and how you can run and debug your own scripts.

The Structure of the Python Script

This script is a basic Python program that greets the user. It includes comments, a function definition, and a special statement to execute the function. Let’s go through it step-by-step:

# This is a sample Python script.

# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.

def print_hi(name):
    # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
    print(f'Hi, {name}')  # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint.

# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':

Understanding the Comments

  • Comments: In Python, comments start with a # symbol. Comments are not executed as part of the program; they’re there to give you hints or explain what the code does. For instance, # This is a sample Python script. is a comment explaining that this script is a sample.
  • Execution and Search Tips: The script includes instructions on how to execute the script or find things within PyCharm. Shift+F10 is the shortcut for running the script in PyCharm, and Double Shift allows you to search across your project.

The Function Definition

  • Function print_hi: This is a function definition. Functions are reusable pieces of code that perform a specific task—in this case, printing a greeting. print_hi(name) defines a function that takes one parameter, name, and prints a greeting message including the name.
def print_hi(name):
    print(f'Hi, {name}')
  • String Formatting: f'Hi, {name}' uses what’s known as an f-string, available in Python 3.6 and later. It allows you to incorporate expressions inside string literals easily. Here, {name} will be replaced by the actual value of name when the function is called.

Debugging and Breakpoints

  • Breakpoint: The comment # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script. explains how to use breakpoints to debug the script. Breakpoints are a debugging tool that lets you pause your program before executing a specific line so you can inspect variables and program flow. Ctrl+F8 toggles a breakpoint on and off in PyCharm.

Execution Entry Point

  • Special Statement: if __name__ == '__main__': is a common Python idiom. It checks if the script is running as the main program and not being imported from another script. If it is the main program, it will call the print_hi function with the argument 'PyCharm'.

Running the Script

  • Running the Script: You can run the script by pressing Shift+F10 or by clicking the green play button in the gutter (the margin area of the editor window). If everything is set up correctly, you should see Hi, PyCharm printed in the console.


This simple script introduces you to basic concepts like function definition, comments, string formatting, breakpoints for debugging, and running Python scripts in PyCharm. Understanding these elements will help you as you begin to write more complex Python programs.

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Understanding Your First Python Script in PyCharm

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