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Fundamentals of OOP in VB.NET

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 458 views Contributors

In the world of software development, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the most popular paradigms used by programmers. VB.NET, being an Object-Oriented Programming language, is no exception. Understanding the fundamentals of OOP in VB.NET is critical to becoming a more efficient and productive developer.

In this lesson, we will discuss some of the most critical OOP concepts in VB.NET, including classes, interfaces, namespaces, and inheritance. By the end of this lesson, you will have a better understanding of how these concepts work and how to apply them in your projects.


A class is a fundamental concept in OOP. It is a blueprint or template for creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior. In VB.NET, classes are defined using the Class keyword, followed by the class name, and enclosed within curly braces. Classes can have fields, properties, methods, events, and other members. Each object created from a class has its own set of values for the fields defined in the class.

For example, suppose we have a class named “Person” that contains two fields: “FirstName” and “LastName”. We can create objects of the “Person” class and assign values to these fields, like so:

vb.netCopy codeClass Person
    Public FirstName As String
    Public LastName As String
End Class

Dim john As New Person()
john.FirstName = "John"
john.LastName = "Doe"


Interfaces are another essential concept in OOP. An interface is a contract that specifies a set of members that a class must implement. In VB.NET, interfaces are defined using the Interface keyword. A class that implements an interface must implement all the members defined in that interface.

For example, suppose we have an interface named “IDriveable” that contains a method named “StartEngine”. We can define classes that implement this interface, like so:

vb.netCopy codeInterface IDriveable
    Sub StartEngine()
End Interface

Class Car
    Implements IDriveable
    Public Sub StartEngine() Implements IDriveable.StartEngine
        ' Implementation of the StartEngine method for a car
    End Sub
End Class

Class Scooter
    Implements IDriveable
    Public Sub StartEngine() Implements IDriveable.StartEngine
        ' Implementation of the StartEngine method for a scooter
    End Sub
End Class

Class Truck
    Implements IDriveable
    Public Sub StartEngine() Implements IDriveable.StartEngine
        ' Implementation of the StartEngine method for a truck
    End Sub
End Class


Namespaces are a way to organize code and prevent naming conflicts between different components in a project. In VB.NET, namespaces are defined using the Namespace keyword. All the members defined within a namespace are contained within that namespace.

For example, suppose we have a namespace named “MyNamespace” that contains a class named “MyClass”. We can use this class in another namespace by specifying the fully qualified name of the class, like so:

vb.netCopy codeNamespace MyNamespace
    Class MyClass
        ' Implementation of the MyClass class
    End Class
End Namespace

Namespace AnotherNamespace
    Sub Main()
        Dim obj As New MyNamespace.MyClass()
        ' Use the MyClass object here
    End Sub
End Namespace


Inheritance is a way to create new classes that are based on existing classes. In VB.NET, inheritance is achieved using the Inherits keyword. A derived class inherits all the members of the base class and can add its own members or override the base class’s members.

For example, suppose we have a base class named “Animal” that contains a method named “Eat”. We can create a derived class named “Dog” that inherits from the “Animal” class. The “Dog” class can then define its own unique behaviors and characteristics, while also inheriting the “Eat” method from the “Animal” class.

Here’s an example of how this would look in VB.NET code:

Public Class Animal
    Public Sub Eat()
        Console.WriteLine("The animal is eating.")
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Dog
    Inherits Animal
    Public Sub Bark()
        Console.WriteLine("The dog is barking.")
    End Sub
End Class

In this example, the “Animal” class contains a method named “Eat”. The “Dog” class inherits from the “Animal” class using the “Inherits” keyword. The “Dog” class also contains its own unique behavior, a “Bark” method. Since the “Dog” class inherits from the “Animal” class, it can still access the “Eat” method defined in the “Animal” class.

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