

Shifting Focus...




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What is P2P

Pathways to Pipelines is the first educational framework developed using Attention Driven Design (ADD)(Stalbert, 2022) and gamification for non-game environments. P2P is structured around the principles of Attention-Driven Design and implements the science of gamification, instructional design, interactive technologies, and how humans learn. Learners are free to choose their path when completing a given project while also learning real-world lessons. P2P is the key to transforming an antiquated learning method into something that captures the learners’ attention through Attention Driven Design and motivates educators and learners to strive for greatness.

How does P2P Change Education

Boredom is not allowed. Learn how learners learn. Acknowledges that attention is an inseparable learning condition based on stated objectives, goals, and context (working environment). Attention must be maintained throughout instruction and revisited for possible inconsistencies during instruction.

Who is P2P for?

This document is aimed at professors, organizations, tutors, and educators of all levels who are looking to join a movement to advance the educational landscape from the dark ages of slow, stale, and static information dissemination to a dynamic, organic, and vibrant, entertaining experience that rivals what learners tend to expect from other media they consume. We all live in a world where a vast amount of information travels through endless nodes of connected information exchange networks, competing for our attention or cognitive resources. If you are an educator or instructor willing to try something new that captures the learners’ attention and ignites their imagination.


Who should not use P2P?

If you are an educator, instructor, or tutor who may not be ready for change or may be afraid of something different, P2P is not for you.

If you are interested in attracting student who want a boring, uninteresting course that lacks the technological integration of modern technology and world building, P2P and ADD are not for you.

Suppose you are not interested in achieving a high level of participation, collaboration, and teamwork between learners that goes beyond the antiquated methods of traditional education. In that case, P2P and ADD are not for you.

Suppose you are an alien from another planet and is not aware that our education system is in great need of a new and modern approach to instruction and learning, and you do not care about the future of the earthlings’ education. In that case, P2P and ADD is not for you.

Why is P2P necessary?

Because our institutions, learners, and instructors need a modern science-based approach to learning designed to compete in a world driven by an attention economy and capture the learners’ attention.

Because the world needs leaders driven by imagination, collaboration, and teamwork not robots.

Pathway to Pipelines fills an important gap in education, structured learners’ path, context, and attention capacity.

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